[OS X TeX] Pointer to .bib file

Franck Pastor pastor at fusl.ac.be
Sun Apr 2 10:37:52 EDT 2006

Le 02-avr.-06 à 16:13, Bruno Voisin a écrit :
> - Don't modify the default setup which is to keep a local copy of  
> the iDisk on your hard drive for offline use, and to have it  
> synchronized automatically. Unfortunately I did that. Result: given  
> that most of the time I leave my office in a rush in the evening, I  
> try to shut off my PowerBook and have to wait generally several  
> minutes before it completes the shutoff. Extremely annoying (when  
> all you're thinking about is the irate partner expecting you at  
> home already)! It took me some time before realizing this was  
> caused by the iDisk synchronization. And, as for all network- 
> related tasks performed in the Finder, in these cases the Finder  
> becomes totally unresponsive, all you can do is look at the  
> spinning wheel of death and wait.
> - Use a .Mac address in IMAP mode (I'm not even sure POP is an  
> option any longer; or has it ever been?). Result: when opening in  
> the morning my OS X TeX mailbox containing generally between 10 and  
> 40 messages, say, Mail takes maybe 2 or 3 minutes to get all the  
> messages; then, it takes several seconds to notice I have read a  
> message and moved to the next one, and sometimes it even fail to  
> notice it and doesn't flag the message as "read" at all.
> Do other .Mac users out of the US experience similar problems?

I'm also French, living in Brussels. The second problem never  
happened to me (I don't know why), but I sometimes get the first one  
(not often, "ouf !"). However, synchronisation is always very, very  
slow. Maybe if you keep the iDisk synchronisation activated, but  
manually and not automatically, it would be better, but I haven't  
tried to use it this way yet.

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