[OS X TeX] PDFView

Philipp Mathey pmathey at uwo.ca
Thu Dec 7 16:39:52 EST 2006

Since PDFVview was recently mentioned on this list,
I tried it to see how it compares to TeXniscope.
Unfortunately it seems to be slower. Pages
are displayed continuously, I couldn't find a way to change
this. Once in full-screen mode, expose does not respond
anymore (when I was still using Adobe Reader, its fullscreen mode
did not interfere with expose). Quitting fullscreen mode
without quitting PDFView altogether can be achieved by pressing
the esc(ape) key.

On the  positive side, the full-screen mode is not bad,
One thing I like is that it still displays a scrollbar on the right
hand side so one can still quickly navigate through
the document (although TeXniscope is faster at that).

The auto-zoom feature is nice, too.


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