[OS X TeX] preferred tool for presentations

Jens Noeckel noeckel at uoregon.edu
Tue Dec 12 13:44:06 EST 2006

On Dec 12, 2006, at 4:52 AM, Paul Vickers wrote:

> Christopher Menzel wrote:
> [snip]
>> As always, choice of apps is a matter of individual needs and  
>> sensibilities, but for my part, I've not found anything that can  
>> match the Keynote/TeXShop/LaTeXiT combination for preparing  
>> presentations.
> Except when it comes to including audio. Keynote does not yet allow  
> you to embed multiple clickable audio objects on a slide. Yes, you  
> can sequence a series of automatic builds, but you cannot do what  
> PowerPoint allows which is to have any number of loud speaker icons  
> on a slide each of which, when clicked, triggers a corresponding  
> audio (or even MIDI) file. As far as I can tell there's no work  
> around to this. Thus I end up either using the (unsatisfactory) pre- 
> programmed sequence of auto-build sounds, or I use a separate media  
> player app and switch between them -- not even this limitation can  
> force me to go back to PowerPoint.
> Best
> paul

that's odd. In Keynote 3, I can put as many sounds or movies on a  
slide as I want.

Maybe what you mean is to actually play sounds simultaneously? To do  
that, you have to open Quicktime.app, and in its Preferences uncheck  
"Play sound from front-most window only". Then in Keynote, to play  
multiple sounds, shift-click on the ones you want to play to select  
them, and then double-click on one of them to start. If one or more  
of the selected sounds were already playing, they'll just continue to  
do so while any new sounds in the selection start playing. I've just  
tried this with four different sounds, and it was like being at the  
shopping mall...

Take care,

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