[OS X TeX] Question about recent i-installer run

Adam M. Goldstein adam.goldstein at jhu.edu
Thu Dec 21 16:01:10 EST 2006

OK, to add a second line of inquiry to the original thread, let me  
ask the following:

was there some point in the past, perhaps in the teTeX days, at which  
i-installer would have created a link to a texmf folder in a user's  
library, or in the system-wide library folder? I definitely remember  
one being there, and it's gone now, and I know I didn't create it.

-Adam G

On Dec 21, 2006, at 1:08 PM, Adam M. Goldstein wrote:

> I installed TeX and related programs on a research collaborator's  
> Intel iMac recently (Monday), and it all works fine; except, there  
> was one curiosity: no link to texmf was provided in the user's  
> library file. I usually look there for local files such as .bst  
> files and .sty files. Now, looking at my own install, which is  
> almost as recent, but an upgrade from previous installs, I note  
> that there is a texmf folder in my Library folder, but not a link  
> to one. On the recent install, I hunted down a texmf folder  
> somewhere else in the file hierarchy in gwTeX that seemed to work  
> (i.e, my ), particularly after I ran texhash. (By "work," I mean, I  
> could put my custom .bst files in there, and bibtex could find them).
> So, back to the install on my co-worker's machine, if I just create  
> a folder called "texmf" in \Users\MyUserName\Library, I should  
> expect Bibtex and LaTeX to find the files in there? (Suppose I  
> create ..\texmf\bibtex\bst and ..\texmf\bibtex\bib and ..\texmf\tex 
> \latex and put the appropriate files in each.)
> I apologize for the spottiness of the information about my setup in  
> this email. I don't have direct access to the computer in question  
> just now.
> I also apologize is this is a "RTFM" or RTFReadme" question, but  
> after having followed various discussions on the list, searched the  
> archive, etc., etc., I am still not clear on what I ought to do.
> Thanks!
> -Adam G.
> --
> Dr. Adam M. Goldstein
> adam <dot> goldstein <at> jhu.edu
> http://shiftingbalance.wordpress.com
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Dr. Adam M. Goldstein
adam <dot> goldstein <at> jhu.edu

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