[OS X TeX] pdflatex not found after installing new texlive.ii2

Samuel Lelievre samuel.lelievre.tex at free.fr
Fri Dec 22 11:58:14 EST 2006

Trouble after installing the new texlive.ii2 i-Package...

I trashed the /Library/TeX folder and a teTeX folder from
some place, then picked the new texlive.ii2 from Gerben's
experimental i-directory and asked i-installer to Install
and configure.

The installation went on and finished without errors, but
now when I try to pdflatex a file (from within Alpha), an
error message appears:

   /bin/sh: line 1: pdflatex: command not found
   TeX returned non zero exit status

How do I get pdflatex working again?

For info, the $PATH I have when I open a Terminal window
has /usr/texbin in it:

Machine:~ User$ echo $PATH


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