[OS X TeX] Timing

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Wed Feb 22 13:01:04 EST 2006

Le 22 févr. 06 à 18:38, Herbert Schulz a écrit :

> So what are you doing with the extra time? :-)

Given I got more senior, and that I'm working in France: more  
administration, more bureaucracy!

Pun apart: currently I'm spending all my time on web site design. Not  
even writing the HTML code, but writing specifications then  
supervising a complete rewrite of my departmental web site (about 150  
people including students) by an external web developer using Zope  
and Plone. Which means examining each and every single page and form  
written, the functioning of every element of the CMS, then writing  
down every little change required, waiting for the developer to  
perform them and checking the result and so forth. If only I had the  
competence of dealing with the stuff myself, it would certainly be  

It's been taking most of my time and energy for about 2 years now.  
I'm only hoping the site will finally be able to go online and  
replace the completely obsolete <http://www.legi.hmg.inpg.fr/>, so  
that I will finally be able to see the light at the end of the  
tunnel. And revise that paper submitted on December 2004, refereed on  
June 2005, which only required minor changes and which is still  
waiting on my desk 7 months later!

Never, ever, get near web-related activities! Or it will be  
detrimental to your other activities...

Bruno------------------------- Info --------------------------
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