[OS X TeX] Re: Textures for MacOSX is coming soon !

srandby at uakron.edu srandby at uakron.edu
Tue Jan 3 23:06:24 EST 2006

According to the announcement there are "many, many things that it does 
not yet do." This is about the only believable statement in the 
announcement. Why would anyone consider using a product from a company 
that so unapologetically abandoned its loyal customers?

I spent a lot of money updating Textures before the advent of OS X. When 
I switched to OS X, the people at Bluesky misled me, and many others, 
with false promises of a quick release of an OS X version of Textures. 
No way do I believe for one second that Bluesky faced "insurmountable 
issues" when attempting to produce Textures for OS X. Bluesky's decision 
not to produce a new Textures was a pure business decision, their 
customers be damned.

I hope this feeble attempt by Bluesky to win back their customers fails 
miserably. With the many free and wonderful TeX options available for OS 
X users, it is certain that they won't have my business.

Scott Randby

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