[OS X TeX] Two random reflections

Bob Kerstetter bkerstetter at mac.com
Tue Jan 31 12:33:51 EST 2006

On Tuesday, January 31, 2006, at 11:11AM, Bruno Voisin <bvoisin at mac.com> wrote:

>iWork '06 and iLife '06 were finally delivered and installed today.  
>First reaction: they're huge! Keynote 3 (the app) is about 1 GB  
>compared with about 200 MB for Keynote 2, and so forth for Pages and  
>all iLife applications. As a result, there used to be about 9 GB free  
>on my 60 GB hard drive, and it's now suddenly down to 4 GB after  
>installing the '06 versions.

I almost always remove localizations I don't use. For Pages, this drops the size to under 300MB and hardly reduces the size of Keynote at all. Hmmmmmm? The difference probably has something to do with localized templates. 

Bob Kerstetter

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