[OS X TeX] Xindy?

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon Jul 17 07:32:32 EDT 2006

Am 17.07.2006 um 12:55 schrieb Simon Spiegel:

> DST_PATH=/private/var/tmp/folders.501/TemporaryItems/ 
> F184707B-5D55-4AAF-A9CA-76B90CCAE495/Quicksilver.app

Could be gcc thinks it is compiling distributed on a set of Macs ...  
you might like to remove this environment variable.

One problem could be that that sub-shells are created during the  
configure steps. Each of them gets re-initiated from bash RC files  
and only them have Fink things set. Maybe you should prepare these  
bash RC files not to have these settings -- in another very clean  
"standard" account, for example, without your personal hobbies. This  
account can do the software development, i.e. only it would need  
admin rights.

The afternoon I'll be unavailable, until evening, some time. If you  
have some time you can look into the config.log file. It contains  
lots of non-sense (making) material, but you can check where  
something fails and whether files from Fink are found (for me  
configure uses a lot of Fink and seems to configure fine since the  
'make check' stage does not detect errors, but IMO xindy still is not  
well and enough adapted to Mac OS X), so as to feed Maarten's opinion  
on Fink.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


Gut durch ist besser als unten durch!

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