[OS X TeX] Characters for command, control etc. keys

Jon Guyer jguyer at his.com
Sat Mar 4 13:38:26 EST 2006

On Mar 4, 2006, at 10:28 AM, Herbert Schulz wrote:

> I'll have to check some of Apple's documentation to convince myself 
> they follow that guideline.


> I wonder why they supply things like the Option symbol when that key 
> is marked alt and option or the Escape symbol when that key is marked 
> `esc'. Maybe throwbacks from an earlier time or so the proper symbols 
> will be identified when looking at the keyboard shortcuts in the 
> Menus.

Good question. The disconnect between what's on the keyboard, what's in 
the menus, and what's in the documentation has long puzzled a lot of 
Mac software developers. I've never heard a good explanation.

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