[OS X TeX] LaTeX Updater i-Package updated

Josep M. Font jmfont at inicia.es
Mon May 1 16:50:52 EDT 2006

El 01/05/2006, a les 18:08, George Gratzer va escriure:

> Dear Josep Maria,
> This really frightens me. What about helping us Unix idiots?
> What am I to do? Could somebody give us instructions?
> Do I uninstall and then install. Just install and it will overwrite?

It seems that presently the latest LaTeX release is not incorporated  
in the i-package called "TeX". Hence, if you want it, you *must*  
install the i-package called "LateX updater". As others have  
explained, this installs the new release in a directory (texmf.local)  
in  parallel to the main one (texmf.tetex, I think). Since the  
"local" directory is searched first by the TeX program, when you  
typeset you will be using the newest version. You need not notice  

The tricky point will come if and when, in the future, the all- 
encompassing i-package "TeX" is updated, in case it contains an even  
newer LaTeX release. Then you will have to do two things, in no  
particular order (I think): (1) install the new "TeX" as always; this  
will overwrite the main directory, but not the "local" one. (2)  
Uninstall the "LaTeX updater" i-package, by opening it with i- 
Installer and choosing "Uninstall" in the main window. This will  
erase the alternative LaTeX installation in the "local" directory  
(now, superseded by a new version). This second step is necessary  
because, as the "local" directory is found first, TeX would use it  
instead of the newest release just installed in the main directory.

Sorry if my first post generated some anxiety. Hope this helps,


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