[OS X TeX] Are two bib files needed to get correct issue numbers?

Themis Matsoukas matsoukas at psu.edu
Fri May 12 09:34:37 EDT 2006

On May 12, 2006, at 4:50 AM, Matthew Inglis wrote:

> I often have to prepare documents using either the APA citation  
> style or, for example, the Harvard style. This causes a big problem  
> regarding issue numbers:
> The APA style demands that issue numbers are not included at all  
> unless each and every issue of the journal begins at page 1.  
> Consequently if you include an issue number in your bib file the  
> apacite package assumes the journal numbers each issue from p.1 and  
> includes the issue number. Most other styles (including Harvard),  
> however, demand that issue numbers are always included.

I don't have a technical answer to your question. However, in my  
experience issue numbers is an optional item of minor importance  and  
most journals don't ask for it. In fact, I don't know of a journal in  
my field that demands it. And a journal that doesn't like issue  
numbers at all should take the time to remove them from the authors  
source file. That's especially true if the journal makes such  
unreasonable demands on the author, as keeping track of citations  
based on what's the first page number of every issue...!

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