[OS X TeX] Any Feedback?

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Mon Nov 6 09:34:30 EST 2006


Hmm... I thought I'd hear some rants (expected) or raves (well, that  
would be nice), etc. about the latexmk ``package'' I put together for  
TeXShop by now.

I use it quite a bit for files that have cross-references,  
bibliography, floats, toc/lof/lot and it ensures that xe/pdf/latex as  
well as bibtex is run the correct number of times to end up with a  
complete, final pdf of your document. It will also run makeindex, if  
necessary, although I haven't done that. I made up a simple compound  
document (i.e., one with \include{..}) with cross-references between  
files, etc., and it seems to work fine with that.

I haven't done any extensive testing on large documents with complex  
relations.Gary or George might be able to help here(?).

I do know that the multbib and multind packages are not supported  
right now but John Collins, the author of the latexmk script, said he  
is working on that.

Download LatexmkTeXShop.zip from <http://homepage.mac.com/herbs2/> if  
you'd like to try it. Simply put the supplied files into the proper  
folders (documentation and John Collins original distribution is  
supplied too) and place the line

%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk

on the first line of the document and the proper engine will be used.  
There are also latexmk and xelatexmk engines supplied.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest.com)

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