[OS X TeX] Question

Louis S VanSlyck lsv at pce-co.com
Fri Nov 10 16:57:23 EST 2006

I'm not sure this is a TeX question: It has to do with posting a 
graphic by the commands:

\input graphicx
\includegraphics[scale=0.9]{Picture} \vskip-8in   %The scale and \vskip 
parameters are arbitrary

If Picture.pdf has been created less than page size one only needs to 
place it in the desired right-left position and set the \vskip parmeter 
for the start of the next input.  The problem occurs if Picture.pdf has 
been obtained by scaning to a pdf---the next line will be on page 2. 
(\vskip will not take one back to the page where Picture was placed).

In my particular problem, I'm trying to scan in a letterhead about 7" 
wide and 2" high, but it comes in at 8.5x11. I can't find a way to crop 
the white space. Can Adobe do this, or can something be done in 
plainTeX to solve the problem? I have a brute force work around, but 
its not very convenient.

I hope I've made the question understood, and someone can help.



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