[OS X TeX] Re: Remarks on the /usr/bin/texprograms symlink

Claus Gerhardt gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Sun Nov 26 09:01:37 EST 2006

Let me address the issue of having several TeXLive versions from  
different years.

The default TeXLive (TUG) installation path is /usr/local/texlive/ 
year. I have mine already set this way. When I shall install the 2006  
version there will be two folders in /usr/local/texlive, namely,   
2005 and 2006. After trying out the new 2006 version I might discover  
that there are some packages that are conflicting with some of my old  
documents, maybe mfpic or anything else, because the code or the  
commands have been rewritten, and I would be forced to adopt my  
document to these new commands, if would like to typeset it with the  
2006 version.

In this case I will decide to keep the 2005 version and switch to it  
whenever I shall work with that old document of mine, maybe its a  
large project like a book, then I shall keep the 2005 version  
indefinitely for possible editing of the book.

On the other hand, if the 2006 version works fine with my documents,  
and I am absolutely sure, that all major projects of mine, even past  
ones, that I would like to be able to edit effortlessly, can be  
typeset smoothly with the 2006 version,  then I can remove the 2005  
version by throwing 1GB into the trash.

Another scenario is, that because of Gerben's additions his teTeX  
version can be used with some  obscure fonts that I would need  
occasionally. In case I would keep teTeX and would want to switch  
easily between teTeX and modern TeX distributions. If a symlink is  
used and the system wide path is set to that symlink, then the  
switching can happen on the fly by clicking a button. Nothing will  
need to be changed.

That's my vision of a future TeX on Mac.

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