[OS X TeX] Font embedding

Alan Litchfield alan at alphabyte.co.nz
Mon Nov 27 15:02:25 EST 2006

Typically, only those glyphs that have been used will be embedded. In  
no case are all the glyphs embedded if the  user is using, say,  

It depends on what you are suing the create the PDF, for example,  

You need to be careful with graphics that use EPS or PDF formats.  
When creating the PDF the file creator will only embed those glyphs  
that are used in the source document, typically, and not fonts used  
in linked and binary files. That means you also need to embed fonts  
when creating graphics files.


On Nov 28, 2006, at 8:16 AM, Gerrit Glabbart wrote:

> If you are not using one of the standard fonts -- for instance, if  
> you are using Latin Modern, or one of the gtamacfonts, those should  
> already be embedded in the pdf, but I'm not sure how "completely".  
> Anyone?

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