[OS X TeX] /usr/local/texprograms -> /Library/ActiveTeXPrograms

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Thu Nov 30 12:21:43 EST 2006

Le 30 nov. 06 à 17:48, Claus Gerhardt a écrit :

> These possible settings make switching tex sources ugly. Dick's  
> original idea of setting a symlink in /usr/local, such that the  
> path to tex would be universally defined as /usr/local/texprograms,  
> on the contrast, is simple and beautiful. Users could easily switch  
> to different tex sources , if they wish, without changing any  
> settings.

If I understand you well, /usr/local/texprograms is acceptable as a  
symlink, but /Library/TeX/ActivePrograms (or /Library/ 
ActiveTeXPrograms), with exactly the same functionality, isn't. Is  
that what you mean?

Or did you interpret what Gerben mentioned:

> /Library/TeX/Distributions/TeXLive2005 -> /usr/local/texlive2005
> /Library/TeX/Distributions/TeXLive -> /usr/local/texlive
> /Library/TeX/Distributions/teTeX -> /usr/local/teTeX
> /Library/TeX/Distributions/gwTeX -> /usr/local/gwTeX
> /Library/TeX/Distributions/Default -> gwTeX

as meaning that introducing /Library/TeX/ActivePrograms was no longer  
considered, and that the full path to the directory for binaries  
would need to be used instead, like


I don't think that's what Gerben meant. I think /Library/TeX/ 
Distributions/Default/ was planned for accessing the various texmf  
trees, in addition with (and not instead of)  /Library/TeX/ 
ActivePrograms which was still in the game for accessing the  

Bruno------------------------- Info --------------------------
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