[OS X TeX] R, paradigm to bring into the LaTeX world?

Frank STENGEL fstengel at mac.com
Mon Oct 23 12:01:05 EDT 2006

Le 23 oct. 06 à 17:01, Adam R. Maxwell a écrit :

> On Oct 23, 2006, at 00:45, Frank STENGEL wrote:
>> Why not expand TCOBrowser to include mpm or a way to communicate  
>> with it ? Most of the work has already been done.
> Indeed, why not?  I've been waiting for someone to add this.  I'd  
> do it myself except a) I don't need it and b) I don't have time.

Excellent reasons ;-)

> I'd be happy to help someone who had more motivation.

Well, I have a few days off coming up, and I could have a (tentative)  
look into it. The only thing I would need is some source code...
>> What is left is the actual communication bit. I.e. showing whether  
>> a package has been installed and giving the option to upgrade/ 
>> install it. One tricky bit would be to initialize the system to  
>> know which packages have been installed by i-installer/mactex in  
>> what version...
> For TCOBrowser, wrapping the mpm command-line tool with NSTask is  
> the route I would recommend, since the underlying code is C++; this  
> is likely fairly straightforward.

Indeed, that was more or less what I had in mind...

> MikTeX is also licensed under the GPL, so I don't want to  
> incorporate or link with it (TCOBrowser is BSD licensed).

That is one potential problem. Nevertheless, if one is able to detect  
mpm's presence, then one is able to use it. Basically: if mpm is  
present then TCOBrowser could use it, if not, then one could be given  
the occasion to install it. One could even imagine a mode which  
revolves around mpm...

> One difficulty is that TCOBrowser is based on the TeX Catalogue  
> Online, and MikTeX may not be a subset of it, so some way to merge  
> the package listings is required.

Good point. That could be done at startup: one requests the lists of  
miktex packages and merges that list with the TCO list. As far as I  
can tell packages have the same name for both CTAN and miktex.

Frank STENGEL (fstengel<at>mac.com)

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