[OS X TeX] a (q)tree upside-down

Florian Grammel grammel at gmx.net
Sat Sep 16 06:19:03 EDT 2006

Dear all,

I've successfully (mis)used qtree to include some simple genealogy  
(descendants of …) into my document.

Now I would need another chart, that displays the _ancestors_ of a  
person. I don't have to do anything complicated, just one man and the  
connection to one of his great-grandfathers on each side. A simple  
two-branched tree like this can be made with any of the many  
(linguist) tree-packages that I've looked at, but I couldn't find  
any, that allows me to put the node at the bottom of the tree.

Is there any package out there that I could use to achieve this?
Or is there any way to make one of them do it (preferably qtree, so I  
wouldn't have to change my yet existing trees, but that's not a must)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best regards,
Florian.------------------------- Info --------------------------
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