[OS X TeX] Does MacTeX include the Bera fonts?

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Sun Apr 8 09:46:37 EDT 2007


Would someone using the MacTeX (TeX Live 2007) distribution be so  
kind to run the command

kpsewhich fver8a.pfb

in Terminal and let me know if the font is found? Just wondering if  
the Bera fonts are part of TeX Live 2007.

I've been using Fourier/Utopia along with Bera Sans and Bera Mono and  
think the combination looks pretty good together.


(the fourier package sets T1 font encoding and also reads on the  
textcomp package so there is no need to do that separately).

Any other favorite combinations out there?

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest.com)

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