[OS X TeX] TeXShop 2.13

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Thu Aug 9 17:54:22 EDT 2007

Le 9 août 07 à 23:00, Richard Koch a écrit :

> TeXShop 2.13 is available at
> 	www.uoregon.edu/~koch/texshop

A bug in the French localization, not specific to this version. It  
must have been around for some time, but I just looked into it  
seriously now, motivated by the mention of "fixed window position" in  
the release notes.

Here it is:

- In the Source prefs, for the Source Window Position, the two choices

	Remember last position on close
	All windows start at fixed position

are correctly translated into French as

	Conserver la dernière position
	Choisir une position fixe

- In the Preview prefs, for the Preview Window Position, the very  
same two choices

	Remember last position on close
	All windows start at fixed position

have been translated into French as

	Conserver la position
	Conserver la dernière position

This is incorrect, the translation should be exactly the same as for  
the Source prefs. Fortunately, this does not affect the function of  
the two radio buttons, which behave as for the English localization.

Bruno Voisin
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