[OS X TeX] TeXLive 2006 (MacTeX) is not detected...

Franck Pastor pastor at fusl.ac.be
Tue Jan 2 06:14:25 EST 2007


I have just installed the Mac TeX "TeXLive 2006" package. gwTeX and  
gwTeX-2003-2005 had been already installed before, via i-installer. I  
have of course set TeXShop's search path to "/usr/texbin". But if I  
switch to TeXLive-2006 in the TeX distribution panel of System  
Preferences, TeXShop refuses to work.

The message I got from TeXShop is "/usr/texbin/pdflatex does not  
exist. Perhaps teTeX was not installed or was removed during a system  
upgrade. If so, go to the TeXShop web site and follow the  
instructions to (re)install teTeX. Another possibility is that a tool  
path is incorrectly configured in TeXShop preferences. This can  
happen if you are using the fink teTeX distribution."

It does not work with the terminal, either: it is the old teTeX's  
pdflatex command (version 1.30) which is seen by the terminal. Here  
is my PATH variable, by the way:


However, everything work fine if I switch to gwTeX or gwTeX-2003-2005  
in System Preferences ...

Any ideas of what went wrong? I am a bit lost ...

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