[OS X TeX] newcomer: TexTures info

Roussanka Loukanova rloukano at stp.lingfil.uu.se
Fri Jan 26 17:21:39 EST 2007

On Tue, 23 Jan 2007, Bruno Voisin wrote:

> With TeXLive-2007, you'll have practically all the plain TeX macro files and 
> LaTeX package files that ever saw the light of day.

This is not quite so, according to me. For example, I use quite well a 
couple of packages, which are popular, if not actually needed, for 
typesetting with LaTeX in some sub-fields of computational linguistics and 

- avm.sty by Christopher Manning for typesetting attribute-value matrices 
(which allow recursive embeddings)

- trees.sty by Avery Andrews, for drawing complicate trees with heavily 
denoted nodes. He has a preprocessor(s) for making the life easier 
with the heavy tree environments/commands, but I, somewhat, have been 
preferring the direct way. (I haven't yet tried his newer version.)

Both packages can be accessed from


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