[OS X TeX] Scrivener, multimarkdown

Thomas Braun thomas.braun at unibas.ch
Wed Jun 20 16:10:30 EDT 2007

Thanks for the answers.

> latex2rtf
I was using this software - but textedit/Pages to check the rtf file  
after conversion...

> Multimarkdown
After looking closer, I think it is not ready for math. And to be  
honest, I am happy LaTeX user. Concerning output quality,  
bibliography support, cross referencing, the possibility to combine  
with version control... In my view there is absolutely no better  
solution. Why learning something new?

However, after all, writing a manuscript with LaTEX has also some  
- The editors I know make structuring of the text and the drafting  
sometimes more complicate that it should be.
- I must write articles with colleagues absolutely hating LaTeX (but  
they are very nice otherwise...)

After playing around last week-end, I found me quite comfortable with  
SRIVENER to text (even small articles), but quite bad concerning what  
I miss from LaTeX. At lest typesetting of formula directly in  
SCRIVENER works flawlessly, also the backconversion to the formula.

In the last beta the author started to support something like styles.  
Perhaps one can convince him for something like styles allowing  
prefexis and suffexes for the text export (e. g. prefix "\swction{"),  
suffix "}"


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