[OS X TeX] Changing fonts

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon May 7 14:20:23 EDT 2007

Am 07.05.2007 um 19:44 schrieb Raheel Ahmad:

> Any ideas why no change in font happens when I have just this in my  
> preamble:
> \documentclass{article}
> \usepackage{helvet}

Helvetica is a sans-serif font. By default a serif font is used in  
LaTeX. You can change this completely by using


(then you would not need to load the helvetica package) which might  
lead to headers in Helvetica as well, or you switch to the sans-serif  
font at the beginning of your text body:

	{\sffamily ...

The reason is that the package only sets a particular font for the  
sans-serif face. If you do not switch from serif (or roman) to sans- 
serif nothing obvious happens.



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