[OS X TeX] TeXShop 2.10b9 has been posted

Roberto Avanzi roberto.avanzi at gmail.com
Mon May 21 17:44:09 EDT 2007

On 21 May 2007, at 17:06, Richard Koch wrote:

> There are three changes:

Very nice!

By the way, I see a few issues with the OgreKit search
panel.  If you can't control that, you can forward them
to the developer.

Tab works, but shift-tab does not.  I know that it just
cycles between two input fields, but shift-tab should be

Now the text in the search input tab is highlighted when
the OgreKit find-and-replace is opened, *but* the text
does not get highlighted when we tab TO an input field.
instead, the blinking cursor is shown.
Highlighting serves always two purposes: to permit
rapid erasure of the contents without having to hit CMD-A
first, and as a bonus to make the current focus more
easily visible.  All Apple apps have search-and-replace
dialogs that work this way.

Additionally, one should be able to tab also to the
other controls.  With shift-tab enabled, one can thus
switch between the two input fields without having to
go through all the other controls first.

Have the memory leaks that lead to periodic crashes (daily
in my cases) fixed?


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