[OS X TeX] Unix expert help needed

Joseph C. Slater PE, PhD joseph.slater at wright.edu
Fri May 25 14:23:56 EDT 2007

On May 24, 2007, at 1:05 AM, George Gratzer wrote:

> This may seem trivial to Herb, but it would seem useful.
> When I send off a directory (submitting a paper or uploading to  
> CTAN), my
> directory has a lot of Mac specific invisible files causing work at  
> the other
> end.
> Is it possible to make a script to get rid of this little peskies?

I presume you know the name of the files? This is easy in zip.

Create the following text file. It shows how to zip then remove  
the .DS_Store and all files starting with "filewithwildcard" with any  
extension from the archive. You need to edit that line to your needs.

Get info and allow yourself to execute it

Then, you can run this on any directory you want to archive. Move  
into the directory above the one you want to archive.  Execute the  
/pathtomyscript/myscriptname   directorynameIwanttocompress

This is command line, but once set up, easy to type if you set up a  
path to the script.

Alternatively, you can modify the script and use Platypus to make a  
tool that is drag-n-droppable.

DropScript.app can be used on this directly more easily, but it  
doesn't seem to be supported, so your mileage may cary as to whether  
it still works as advertised. It did the last time I used it. Just  
drag the final script onto it to make a droppable application that  
can be used to easily make your archives in the future.

----cut here
zip  -r -g -u  $1.zip $1
zip -d $1 .DS_Store filewithwildcard*.*

-----not part of file

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