e: [OS X TeX] Compressing pdf graphics

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat May 26 12:16:47 EDT 2007

Am 24.05.2007 um 04:20 schrieb Chabot Denis:

> So if any of you can translate this into something I can understand  
> and tell me if this goes into the preamble as I did above, I'd  
> greatly appreciate. Being able to shrink the size of some of my  
> documents without using Acrobat would be nice.

As far as I understand non-stream objects are taken and united to  
build one stream that can be better compressed. This is possible  
because PDF 1.5 offers new ways to refer to these objects. IMO the  
savings won't be so much, it makes more sense to imply compression  
images on other streams (audio, video). I'll check later whether  
there is some reasonable amount gained. For this I edited


and added the two lines


(\pdfcompresslevel=9 is already there) and "refreshed" the FMT files.  
This went fine, first PDF files created in PDF 1.5 can be displayed.

I think it makes also sense to add in the LaTeX source


to enable the use of real Unicode characters instead of TeX compounds  
for non-ASCII characters.



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