[OS X TeX] Latexmk 3.21b packaged for TeXShop.

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Mon Sep 24 16:01:07 EDT 2007


The 3.21 distribution is now replaced by the 3.21b distribution that  
has added the ability to deal with packages that produce multiple  
indexes (e.g., multind) automatically as well as multiple  
bibliographies (e.g., multibib) and the glossary, glossaries and  
nomencl packages that require special handling (the handling for  
basic cases is included in the packaging for TeXShop).

Pick up Latexmk321bTeXShop.zip from <http://homepage.mac.com/herbs2/>.

 From the documentation supplied with the TeXShop packaging of  
latexmk 3.21b:

Compiling a tex file that contains cross-references, bibliographic  
references and/or indexes is a multi-pass process; i.e., you've got  
to run (pdf/xe)latex multiple times with possible intermediate runs  
of bibtex and/or makeindex until all references are resolved. The  
latexmk perl program, rewritten and presently maintained by John  
Collins, automates this multi-pass process. By default it first runs  
(pdf/xe)latex on a source file, determines file dependencies by  
examining the aux file produced by the run and then automatically  
runs bibtex and/or makeindex, if needed, and the correct number of  
additional runs of (pdf/xe)latex to generate the bibliography, index  
and cross-references. This latest version of latexmk, 3.21b, will  
also correctly work with the nomencl package as well as the glossary  
or glossaries packages and packages that produce multiple  
bibliographies or indexes.

Sorry for changing distributions so rapidly but I believe the  
additional functionality provided in 3.21b makes it worthwhile.

Hope you find this useful.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest.com)

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