[OS X TeX] Lucida

Herbert Schulz herbs at wideopenwest.com
Wed Oct 1 09:29:06 EDT 2008

On Sep 30, 2008, at 10:47 PM, George Gratzer wrote:

> Herb,
> Can one write a script that does the work?
> GG


I've promised Wendy McKay that I would put together a document on  
installing the MathTime Pro 2 and Lucida fonts since this seems to  
come up quite often. With both of those fonts everything that is  
needed is supplied with the font so it's a matter of putting things in  
the right places and telling the system where they are and how to use  

The main problem is that what has to be done may depend upon what  
folks have done before.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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