[OS X TeX] Wanted: editor with special skills

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Oct 1 11:25:01 EDT 2008

Am 01.10.2008 um 16:32 schrieb Dominikus Heinzeller:

> For example, in the ASCII file on the disk there is a text passage  
> "r{\'e}sum{\'e}e". The translation mechanism recognizes {\'e} and  
> converts it into é, producing a résumée

These efforts are not necessary – at least not with TeX as built in  
this millennium. Since more than ten years 8 bit characters in the  
input are allowed. Nowadays you can choose in LaTeX files a line like


that allows you use € in the input. There is even an option to use  
UTF-8 inside the LaTeX file plus some more 8 bit encodings ...

In Emacs it's possible to use functions via so-called hooks that can  
transform the file contents on disk into another representation in  
the buffer, and vice-versa the buffer's can be transformed into  
another representation on disk when saving it.

In the Emacs world you can use "local variables" that record the  
files encoding. In the first line you can have:

	%% -*- mode: LaTeX; coding: iso-8859-15; -*-

or you have at the end a block like:

	%%% Local Variables:
	%%% mode: LaTeX
	%%% fill-column: 99999
	%%% coding: iso-latin-9
	%%% End:

Here you can also record transformation functions – in English texts  
probably none would be needed ...

The Swedish Smultron application could offer what you look for. It  
has also means to extend the editor.

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


Government is actually the worst failure of civilized man. There has  
never been a really good one, and even those that are most tolerable  
are arbitrary, cruel, grasping and unintelligent.
				– H. L. Mencken

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