[OS X TeX] BibTeX-Problem on Mac: couldn't open style file/ couldn't open database file

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Oct 29 15:25:34 EDT 2008

Am 29.10.2008 um 19:17 schrieb Matthias Geissbuehler:

> Here is what happens:

Does BibTeX work on the command line, i.e., run without errors?

Does the command "kpsewhich unsrt.bst" work on the command line,  
i.e., return the path name of the file?

The files listb.bib and mybib.bib are not part TeX Live – where are  
they installed?

What is the command "which bibtex" on the command line returning?

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


It's not the valleys in life I dread so much as the dips.
				– Garfield

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