[OS X TeX] problem using /opt/local instead of /usr/local/

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at me.com
Thu Sep 11 08:42:19 EDT 2008

Le 11 sept. 08 à 14:13, Christopher Brewster a écrit :

> All point to /opt/
> TexLive is being ignored.
> [...]
> How do I get rid of this problem?
> Delete /opt/local  ?
> or is there some more correct way?
> Will this be sorted if I install TexLive 2008?

At least your setup is consistent, you do not have for example TeXLive  
binaries picking up MacPorts texmf trees, which would be more  
difficult to cure.

Are you really sure the TeX Distribution panel in System Prefs points  
to TeXLive-2007 not MacPorts-teTeX? You can check by looking for  
example at the symlink /Library/TeX/Root: the Finder should report it  
an alias of /usr/local/texlive/2007 if the panel is correctly  

I'm not sure deleting /opt/local would solve the problem. Is /usr/ 
texbin really in PATH? What do you get with "echo $PATH"? Here without  
MacPorts I'm getting:

$ echo $PATH

If none of this points at the solution, then I must admit I'm lost.

Are you using Tiger (OS X 10.4) by the way, or Leopard? Pre-Leopard  
systems differ from Leopard in the way PATH (and MANPATH) are  
constructed (see <http://www.uoregon.edu/~koch/LeopardTeXFix.rtf>).  
MacTeX-2008, and a relatively recent version of MacTeX-2007, should  
take care of both situations, but if you did a system migration from a  
Tiger machine to a Leopard one using Apple's Migration Assistant, you  
may have Tiger setup files hanging around in Leopard. Normally that  
should be harmless, but Murphy may be at work here.

Disk space and bandwidth allowing, you may also just install MacTeX  
2008 and see what happens.

Bruno Voisin

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