[OS X TeX] "Non-PDF special ignored"

ewan.Delanoy at math.unicaen.fr ewan.Delanoy at math.unicaen.fr
Sun Feb 1 04:01:45 EST 2009

>1.30 It's an old version of pdftex actually it's 1.40.9
>What is your tex distribution?
>your editor ? and its version ?

  My editor is TeXShop, version 2.03

>use utf8 encoding

   This is to be set in TexShop's "Preferences", right ?

>and TikZ instead of eepic.

 I think I'll follow your suggestion, if I'm not
too stupid to learn TikZ (is it hard to learn)?

>you go in the compile Menu and you take the TeX+Ghostscript

  when I do this and try to typeset, no .pdf is produced and the console
stays blank.


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