[OS X TeX] [ANN] TeX Live Utility 0.5

Axel E. Retif axel.retif at mac.com
Thu Jan 8 18:45:42 EST 2009

On  8 Jan, 2009, at 17:32, Maxwell, Adam R wrote:

> On 01/08/09 15:22, "Axel E. Retif" <axel.retif at mac.com> wrote:
>> Where will the updates be installed? What updmap.cfg file will be
>> updated? Where will be placed the .fmt files built or rebuilt? Will
>> that create a web2c directory in ~/Library/texmf?
> I don't know the exact details of what tlmgr does internally, so I'm  
> afraid
> I can't answer those questions.  Sorry.
> What I can say is this: if you uncheck that box, TLU will do the  
> equivalent
> of:
> sudo tlmgr update --all
> If the box is checked (the default), TLU will do the equivalent of:
> sudo -H tlmgr update --all
> If I understand correctly, the first case worked on one of your  
> systems,
> while the second case (using TLU defaults) did not.

Right. I've been using `` sudo tlmgr update --all '' with both  
machines, so I'll give it a try with TLU next time, unchecking  
"Install updates for all users".

> hope that helps

Yes, it does. Thank you very much!


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