[OS X TeX] question regarding spacing after a period

Axel E. Retif axel.retif at mac.com
Thu Mar 12 05:46:57 EDT 2009

On  12 Mar, 2009, at 03:01, akshay gulati wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using Texshop on my Mac
> 1. Do we have to install any packages in Texshop, for making good  
> power point slide show...like proper,foil,geometry etc...or they are  
> default in it.

TeXShop is a front-end, not a TeX distribution: TeXShop can use any  
TeX distribution for the Mac, and any TeX distribution for the Mac can  
use many front-ends.

Now ---if you mean you installed MacTeX, well, then you have *all*  
TeXLive; that means any package for TeX, LaTeX or ConTeXt which have a  
free public license, like the ones you mention above.

> 2. how to check what are the packages install in Texshop.....

Again, if you mean MacTeX, look into /Library/TeX ---see the  
Documentation and Root folders there. But you'll need days to just  
skim all there is in there.

> 3.  if i want to check about a particular package what is the way to  
> do it

The ideal way would be to type in Terminal

texdoc <package_name> and press enter

but not all packages have documentation (most do, anyway). The  
infallible way is to put in your document

\usepackage{<package_name>} ---if LaTeX doesn't complain, you have it.



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