[OS X TeX] ligature fi not appearing

Jason Davies ophiochos at gmail.com
Wed May 13 21:26:58 EDT 2009

Jonathan Kew wrote on 14/5/09 at 01:02

>Better: replace the "fi" characters in your file with normal "fi"
>sequences, and leave it up to TeX and the fonts to provide the
>appropriate ligatures on the fly. Similarly for "fl", if you've used
>that. Using these in source text is not necessary or helpful, and will
>only lead to grief.

As I said, I have no idea how they got there in the first place....!

something, somewhere, converted those (and only those, 
apparently) potential ligatures. I'm very curious as to how it 
happened and will explore whether it's something to do with 
Dictate (and report it to them).

thanks again. I learned something, at least...

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