[OS X TeX] A \url problem

Vic Norton vic at norton.name
Tue Nov 3 10:42:06 EST 2009

I don't understand, Peter. I attached the PDF that has the links. You  
should be able to see everything there, where the URLs are pointing,  

I am simply trying to indent a long URL that has to break. Ideally it  
should break at a forward slash. I've tried to force that in my example.

Here is the complete code of my example. It's as simple as I can make  
it. The PDF is attached---again.

### code begins here ###
%%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode

\documentclass[12pt, letterpaper]{article}

\geometry{letterpaper, nohead,
    hmargin={1.5in, 1.5in}, vmargin={1.5in, 1.0in},
\setlength{\parskip}{2.0ex plus0.5ex minus0.2ex}


I'd really like to indent the URL like this.\\

It does look right, but clicking on the top line of the ``URL'' takes
you to an inaccessible directory. Only the bottom line works the way it

On the other hand clicking anyplace on the ``hello'' link below works

I'd really like to indent the URL like this.\\
hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello
hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello

What is the problem here? What am I missing?

Thanks for any advice you can give me.


Vic Norton $<$\url{mailto:vic at norton.name}$>$

### code ends here ###

On Nov 3, 2009, at 6:24 AM, Peter Dyballa wrote:

> Am 03.11.2009 um 10:57 schrieb Vic Norton:
>> The top segment doesn't work, the bottom does.
> I am not able to find out myself what is not working. Can you give  
> me a hint? I see
>  http://vic.norton.name/finance-math/notionportf/
>  pricedistrib.csv
> Both parts are equally indented. What is wrong with this? What are  
> you actually trying to achieve? A *real* example, not just an  
> imaginary test case, would be fine. Can you imagine to write a  
> simple "here" as textual representation of the URL? Those who are  
> curious can position the mouse over the hyperlink and see where it  
> is pointing to...
> --
> Greetings
>  Pete
> Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and  
> I'm not sure about the former.
> 				– Albert Einstein

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