[OS X TeX] A \url problem

Vic Norton vic at norton.name
Tue Nov 3 14:30:39 EST 2009

In my example I've used
in two places.
The url is where I want to go, namely
    url = http://vic.norton.name/finance-math/notionportf/pricedistrib.csv
The text is what I want the reader to click on. It needn't have any  
relation to the url.

The text in both cases is from the ttfamily.
In the second case the text is
    text = hello ... hello (16 times in all)
This case works just as it should.
In the first case the text is
    text = http://vic.norton.name/finance-math/notionportf/\linebreak  
The fact that that the text is broken in this case should have no  
affect on the url part of \href{url}{text}. But it does affect the url  
part. It corrupts it. I have no idea why.

More importantly, I have no idea how to do what I want to do: to  
indent a long URL and split it where I want to split it (after /'s),  
with the each line of the result being indented by the same amount,  
and every point of the displayed, split URL pointing to the original,  
long URL.



On Nov 3, 2009, at 11:47 AM, Peter Dyballa wrote:

> Am 03.11.2009 um 16:42 schrieb Vic Norton:
>> I am simply trying to indent a long URL that has to break. Ideally  
>> it should break at a forward slash. I've tried to force that in my  
>> example.
> Now I understand! Why do you write "it should break?" Where is this  
> behaviour documented?
> --
> Greetings
>  Pete
> I hope to die before I *have* to use Microsoft Word.
> 			- Donald E. Knuth, 2001-10-02 in Tübingen.

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