[OS X TeX] Installing TeXLive 2009 from the iso image

Claus Gerhardt gerhardt at math.uni-heidelberg.de
Tue Nov 10 19:30:53 EST 2009

The most challenging part was decompressing the compressed iso image (a .xz file). Of course it had to be a non-standard compression to get the smallest file possible (1.39GB). It took me more than 30 minutes to get an xz binary (the source wouldn't compile on my machine). Out of curiosity I zipped the decompressed file (3.08GB)  resulting in a 1.87GB .zip file, though I would happily have downloaded the larger file sparing me some anguish.

The installation process was a no-brainer with the excellent install script - it took about 6 minutes. I noticed that the binaries (at least pdftex) are this time also compiled for the x86_64 architecture which is a welcome change.

Let me add that the installer recognized my 2008 installation and asked if I would like to keep my old settings.

Thanks to the TeXLive team for their excellent work.


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