[OS X TeX] Re : LaTeX output on a weblog

scheissenochmal2003 at yahoo.de scheissenochmal2003 at yahoo.de
Sat Nov 14 05:50:25 EST 2009

A quick google search for "latex wordpress plugin" revealed a plugin 
that creates images on the server side from LaTeX sources in WP: see 
http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-latex/faq/. Is that what you want 
to achieve? If you wanted to have the LaTeX source there ready to be 
copied, you'd have to have it there twice (that's the only downside I 
can see).


ewan.Delanoy at math.unicaen.fr wrote:
> On Nov 14, 2009, at 2:06 AM, Alain Schremmer wrote :
>   >1) What is the input in?
>    I don't understand that question. I guess the input would be "LaTeX
> source"-format
> piece of text, e.g. $\int_{a}^{b}f(x)dx$.
>> 2) Why not pdf?
>    Because it's easier for the blog reader to see the whole mathematical
> text all
> at once instead of having to click and wait to see a separate mathematical
> content.
>> 3) How about phpmathpublisher for inserting mathematics in html?
>> 4)  I am using WordPress for the blog on http://www.freemathtexts.org,
> a rather small domain.
>    Do you have to pay a monthly fee to own that domain ? Both
> phpmathpublisher and Wordpress need to be installed in "online
> directories"  and (again, correct
> me if I'm mistaken) this is not possible in free "blogspots".
>     Pheraps this is more of a general Internet question than a LaTeX one.

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