[OS X TeX] Re : LaTeX output on a weblog

Victor Ivrii vivrii at gmail.com
Sat Nov 14 19:06:05 EST 2009

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Ross Moore <ross at ics.mq.edu.au> wrote:

>  http://www.mathjax.com/
>  http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsMath/
> I've been using jsMath for 3 years now, with the Australian
> Math Society's Wiki, and other Mathematical Society's sites.
> Once setup on your server's domain, it just requires a single
> line of coding in the header of a webpage, and LaTeX coding
> can be interpreted on the fly in a surfer's browser (provided
> only that Javascript is enabled --- a requirement for most
> Wikis anyway).

One needs to distinguish between two very different approaches:

* Employed by wikis, blogs, bulletin boards and even chat programs
(Adium on MacOSX) equipped with corresponding LaTeX plug-ins: small
LaTeX snippets surrounded by corresponding tags and embedded into
normal page (normal for given wiki, blog, bulletin board or chat)

* tex4ht (and other less advanced systems) when large LaTeX document
is converted into html code which is almost human unreadable and thus
almost uneditable

Each approach has its own advantages and scope of applications; some
time ago I managed to use htlatex with jsMath output for heavy-in-math
seminar postings which will be implemented on our Dept future website
based on SilverStripe CMS

(extremely overkilling example see


I was too lazy to add css file)

jsMath advantage: no new images (except those stored in jsMath fonts
as computer with browser has no jsMath TeXfonts installed).

I have not seen jsMath used with the "snippet" approach.

What about MatJax?

> It is then up to the surfer to configure whether to use
> downloaded images of the math characters, or whether to get
> better quality by downlading extra fonts, or to use any
> Unicode fonts with math characters that may already by
> available on their own system.
> MathJAX should have all these same customisations,
> and with extra compatibility features for software
> on the server side --- including support for MathML.


Victor Ivrii, Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto

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