[OS X TeX] bizarre preview difference for TeXshop and Adobe Acrobat

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Nov 18 16:52:35 EST 2009

Am 18.11.2009 um 21:51 schrieb Ross Moore:

> But what surprises me even more is these different
> applications' ideas of what is 100% .
> To match Adobe Reader's displayed size (supposedly
> at 100%) I have to scale to 160% in TeXshop or Preview.
> This is a pretty accurate comparison --- the attached
> image shows it as 600 : 960.

Could you determine the relation of 72 DPI to your display's actual  



A designer knows he has arrived at perfection not when there is no  
longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take  
				– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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