[OS X TeX] Installing bibtool

Jan Erik Moström lists at mostrom.pp.se
Fri Nov 27 03:24:57 EST 2009

On 09-11-26 at 19:53, peter.pagin at philosophy.su.se (Peter Pagin) wrote:

>This may be a trivial or irrelevant observation, but I have 
>found that if a group of co-authors uses the primitive method 
>of sending updates to each other by email,

It's a correct observation ... and in my experience it's an 
almost impossible to task to use email for keeping track of 
research projects.

My main research group use subversion to collaborate (I had to 
check - our first checkin was done almost 4 years ago, the 
repository contains 3000 files and have approx 900 checkins). 
This makes it very easy to keep track of changes, merge files etc.

It also mean that we use the same bibtex file

- jem
Jan Erik Moström

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