[OS X TeX] Spacing of first two rows in tabular environment

Berend Hasselman bhh at xs4all.nl
Thu Oct 1 12:21:39 EDT 2009

On 01-10-2009, at 16:19, Chris Goedde wrote:

> Hi,
> This isn't Mac specific, but it's something that's bugged me for a  
> LONG time, and maybe someone can help me out. I've always felt that  
> the second row of a table is too close to the horizontal rule (if  
> any) that separates it from the top row. For example, when I typeset  
> the table below in 11pt Lucida, the exponents touch the horizontal  
> rule. Is there a simple, non-kludgy fix or adjustment for this? I  
> don't want to increase all the linespacing, just the spacing between  
> the first and second row. Thanks.

You could do \usepackage{tabls}
and then you can use \hline[2pt] for example to insert a bit of  
vertical space after the \hline.
1pt will probably also work in your case.

But be warned: you can't use both the array package and the tabls  
See page 269 LaTeX Companion (second edition).


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