[OS X TeX] texlive.infra

Christoph Hoh lists.ch at t-online.de
Wed Jun 16 14:29:48 EDT 2010

Dear all,

I recently updated my MacTeX 2009 installation using the TeX Live Utility.

After updating all packages I still get the information that for the texlive.infra package  the local version is newer than the on the ftp server. Why is that? Any need to do something?

Also, packages that obviously have been removed from the server have been removed from my local installation as well although I unchecked the "Remove packages to match the server when updating" prior to the package update. Bug or feature?

I am using:
tlmgr revision 18011 (2010-04-26 21:41:33 +0200)
tlmgr using installation: /usr/local/texlive/2009
TeX Live (http://tug.org/texlive) version 2009

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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