[OS X TeX] LaTeX on iPad?

William Adams will.adams at frycomm.com
Sun Mar 7 17:44:04 EST 2010

As a person who has been using pen computers since buying an NCR-3125 well
over a decade ago (and started w/ using a Kurta graphics tablet on a
Commodore 64), I believe that a TeX editor / environment for the iPad would
be _very_ cool (and there is an optional keyboard and it'll probably be
possible to use Bluetooth keyboards / mice w/ it) --- when typing on the
on-screen keyboard, it really resembles a Radio Shack Model 100...

An environment optimized for use w/ the pen and w/ handwriting recognition
would be especially nice, though what I'd really like to see would be LyX,
not TeXshop (sorry Richard).

The complaint about not being able to print is rather striking --- so long
as one could display it and mark it up on-screen, that should be sufficient,
though it does beg the question of how one could get an ePub out of
TeX/LaTeX --- that's something which really needs to become possible.

Of course, in doing this sort of thing one will be competing w/ Apple's
Pages.app which is likely a hard row to hoe (and they will have quite a head
start), so perhaps one should ask if there's some sort of inter-connectivity
and synergy which could be achieved by leveraging its XML format.

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