[OS X TeX] RE: numbering

Lantz Susan lantzs at trine.edu
Thu May 20 21:00:08 EDT 2010

Dr. Gratzer,

To get the equations, theorems, etc.  numbered with the chapter number, include the command(s) below in your preamble.


If you want your figures numbered that way as well, use:


Susan Lantz


Here is a related question:

I have my theorems numbered within chapters:


but the result is not what I expected. Theorems are numbered 1 - 94 in Chapter I (which is fine), but they are displayed as 

Theorem 6.94

where 6 is the section number.

I really would like

Theorem I.94

where I is the chapter number (roman cap).


Theorem II.7

in Chapter II.

How do I do this?


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