[OS X TeX] Unexpected TS coloring of uncommented text

Themis Matsoukas tmatsoukas at me.com
Wed Oct 13 10:18:07 EDT 2010

On Oct 13, 2010, at 9:47 AM, Herbert Schulz wrote:
> Howdy,
> I don't think this behavior is new. You can ``fix it'' by pressing Return twice and then delete one of the Returns in stage 2. I'm not sure what forces a rescan.

Yes, there are many ways to fix this but some are as unexpected as the coloring problem itself:
   -you can hit return twice above the red text
   -you can hit back space below the red text
   -you can scroll the window

> By the way, I rarely ``hide'' and ``un-hide'' this way. It's so easy to simply put the cursor anywhere on the line and then Source->Comment and Un-Comment the line (Cmd-{ and Cmd-} with US keyboard localization).

Not every case can be handled this way though. For example, if you want to uncomment part of previously commented text, the only choice is to break the comment with a return.

Regardless, what I had not realized until just now is that it is only the color of the line that is affected, i.e., the red text is *not* treated as a comment during typesetting, as I had thought when I sent the message. This makes the whole thing a lot more benign that I had feared. 


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