[OS X TeX] My Soap Box

Adam M. Goldstein z_californianus-dated-1297827999.4bde57 at shiftingbalance.org
Thu Feb 10 22:46:27 EST 2011

On Feb 10, 2011, at 22:21, "Gary L. Gray" <gray at engr.psu.edu> wrote:
> I can also put a header on every message that specifically states that a new thread should not be started by replying to an existing thread, but this may make people crazy. What do you think -- should I add this info to the top of each message?

I wouldn't mind seeing the header if it helped. Perhaps include a link to the ettiquette page. "See <thelink>" would do. 

I suggest that we go about this in a scientific kind of way. Put the header in for six months, and see if the number of hijacked threads decreases during this trial period.

I know we don't have a count of how many hijacked threads there are but perhaps regulars could report them to Gary to get a rough estimate of how many there are.

If the header is going to be annoying, we could at least get some sense of whether it works. 

The other problem, not as serious, is top-quoting. If anyone knows of some way to get the iPhone to put the original message at the top of each new message rather than below the new message and message signature line, let me know.

Adam M. Goldstein PhD, MSLIS
z_californianus at shiftingbalance.org
(914) 637-2717 (msg)
Dept of Philosophy
Iona College
715 North Avenue
New Rochelle NY 10801

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